Cowgirl Kelly

About Cowgirl Kelly

Company: Harper Realty, Inc.  (personal site)

Journey to Success worked with Harper Realty, Inc. to create a new and unique website in honor of the Miss Rodeo Florida Sweetheart award presented to Kelly Harper.  This site was a special presentation for her outstanding achievement.

About the services provided

Harper Realty, Inc. was looking for a unique website that had the feel of the rodeo and horses, while showing the cowgirl side of life.  Journey to Success worked with Harper Realty Inc. to completely design and implement the website, focusing on providing an presentation and image that was indicative of the spirit for the Miss Rodeo Florida pageant and of Kelly Harper.  Additionally, the redesign included the following details:

  • Implementation of a Dynamic SEO-friendly Content Management System
  • Implementation of a photo gallery system and Blogging component
  • Addition of Social Social Bookmarking features
  • Set-up of new hosting services

Harper Realty is a current client of Journey to Success

The New Site:

The new redesigned site