A Look at ContactMe

Sep 17, 2011   |   by Journey to Success   |   Blog  |  Comments Off on A Look at ContactMe

If you're like most people, running your business communication is a constant (often losing) battle against the ever-increasing email storm the lives in your inbox. Well, there is a new tool that promises to help with the email bombardment – ContactMe.

NOTE: We are not in any way affiliated with ContactMe

We are in the process of taking ContactMe for a test-drive on our site (see the neat 'Contact Us' button on the right of the screen?)  and we wanted to share with you some of the things we've learned so far.

ContactMe is a web-based application that aims to make communications between your business and your client much simpler. Its intuitive interface tracts all your contacts, managing email discussions, contact details, scheduling of tasks and more. It even offers the ability to add a contact form to your website that allows your clients to easily contact you, with discussions being tracked and easily shown in the contact’s view by ContactMe.

Below is a quick introductory video – courtesy of ContactMe


One of the most useful features of ContactMe is the ability to easily add a contact button to your site.  In fact, they even provide a plugin for WordPress, an app for Facebook, and easy integration into most sites by copying and pasting a bit of JavaScript code into your website’s source.

Once you have your contact button on your site(s), when a user clicks on this, they are shown a form that they can use to send a message to your organization. Once they’ve submitted the form, the data they have entered is automatically added to the ContactMe contact system.  You still get sent an email, but a copy of the contact information the user entered on the form is also stored.  In fact, if your reply to the user's contact email, and BCC the ContactMe email address, the reply will automatically be added to the contact' on ContactMe.

ContactMe does have one issue that we've noticed so far.  If your reply to a user's contact email, and he/she replies back, that reply back does not get logged into the ContactMe database.  It will be interesting to see how they deal with that in the future.

We will continue to test the ContactMe system, and let you know what we discover, but for now, it looks like a handy tool for bringing order to your business communications.


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