Salty Underground

About Salty Underground

Company: Salty Underground 

With over 10 years in the business, Salty Underground specializes in the breeding and sale of Berghia Nudibranchs to saltwater aquarium enthusiasts.  Additionally, they offer an ever growing selection of captive bred saltwater fish and live aquacultured corals, macro algae and invertebrates.

They also run a successful Aquarium Maintenance service in the St Louis area, specializing in providing expert care for your aquarium, supporting both fresh and saltwater systems.

About the services provided

Journey to Success worked with Salty Underground to provide a much needed face-lift for their creLoaded-based e-Commerce system, focusing on developing a clean presentation that reflected the personality of the business and allowed them to showcase their products and services.  Additionally, the redesign included the following details:

  • Redesign of the creLoaded e-Commerce presentation templates
  • Development and implementation of a custom Testimonial system
  • Addition of a PayPal payment gateway
  • Numerous usability improvements to the presentation layer including image zoom, dynamic shopping-cart display and shipping cost estimation
  • Addition of shipping cost handling for local orders, free shipping over a certain amount, and sales tax on sales within their state
  • Addition of Social Media and Social Sharing
  • Addition of a customized Fanpage on Facebook
  • SEO optimization of the content as well as the Creation of content relating to Berghia Nudibranchs and Aiptasia Anemones
  • Implementation of an Auto-responders and eBook distribution system
  • Development and installation of various security measures to protect their system

Salty Underground now ranks #1 on Google for searches relating to their main product: Berghia Nudibranchs.

Salty Underground is an ongoing maintenance client of Journey to Success

Before and After

Original Site New Site
Before Journey to Success redesigned the site After Journey to Success redesign the site