Dr. Fern Kazlow

About Dr. Fern Kazlow

Company: Kazlow International, LLC.
Website: www.drfernkazlow.com

Dr. Fern Kazlow, Ed.D., is a New York licensed clinical psychotherapist, speaker, author, and business and branding consultant.  She pioneered the mind-body-spirit connection in the mid-1970s with the development of Integrative Therapy. In 1981, she founded Integrative Therapy and Integrative Action™, and later opened one of the first holistic centers in New York.

About the services provided

Journey to Success worked with Dr. Fern Kazlow (a.k.a. Dr. K)  to develop an entirely new site aimed at presenting their products and services.  The new design focused on presenting a sharp and edgy look that reflected the personality of the business.  Additionally, the redesign included the following details:

  • Implemented new website utilizing a dynamically generate, SEO friendly Content management system
  • Created custom site presentation templates indicative of the business' desired image
  • Implemented Social Network and Social Sharing
  • Deployed all content, PDF reports and video for the site
  • SEO optimization of the content as well as implementation of analytics, sitemaps and site submission to major search engines
  • Implementation of newsletter system
    • Integration with AWeber third-party email service
    • Creation of a new Newsletter email template
    • On-going management of newsletter system including newsletter distribution
  • Rotating banners were created to showcase the products and services

Dr. Fern Kazlow is an ongoing client of Journey to Success

Images of New Site

Journey to Success redesigned the site Journey to Success redesigned the site